Yoga Nidra at Yoga Passage Calgary

The ancient practice of yoga nidra is said to be the doorway to samadhi – the experience of oneness with the universe. It is a form of guided meditation, practiced lying on the back in svasana – corpse pose, where the mind is lead into the deeper recesses of the mind. It is here, where you are invited to meet the true nature of who you really are. Staying awake during this practice while the body remains relaxed invites you to experience deeply all that is.

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be teaching Yoga Nidra every Tuesday starting June 16th from 6:20-7:35. (1 hr 15 min)

For increased comfort, you may choose to bring the following props however the studio will provide a limited amount of the below:

Eye pillow | Pillow |Blanket| Bolster | Journal | Pen

Non-members of the studio can drop in for $20. Click HERE to register

Kimberley Horng
Kimberley Horng
My purpose is to share my knowledge and teach others in the cultivation of a virtuous, expanding and fulfilling life. A life we are all meant to live. If only we could all see the greatness that is available, not outside, but within our own selves.

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