I had somehow got lost. I explored the lands of yoga, hoping to find my way. The travel was steeper than I had imagined, but I had to keep my head up to the horizon and keep on moving against the ascending climb. As my awareness grew more expansive entering new territory, seeing new sights and discovering many things that all lied within the landscapes of myself, I began to look back with despaired regret.

Although, I encountered so many beautiful things — similar to on my travel back to my ancestory land of Cambodia, when I had the honour to step through the wondrous and exquisitely divine temples of Angkor Wat. I also encountered the ugly. During that same visit, I cried nearly everyday. The sight of a young boy — the same age as my 5 year old daughter at the time — lying in the middle of a gas station, in filthy clothes, with nothing…not even his mother. My blood began to boil. How could anyone let this happen? As I travelled more and more, I saw that it was everywhere. People were so poor. How could other’s be so selfish? Not to let them have a meal, clothing, a roof to sleep?! The very basic of our needs!! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs!!! The pain became so much…

But then, I took a still moment and looked deep within my own self. What have I done to be so selfish? What actions have I done to harm others? What am I doing to contribute to all this suffering? As much as I didn’t want to, I saw these things within myself.

To change the world, one has to only see that the change begins within their own selves.

I came to the realization that I had to somehow move past my mistakes, for dwelling on them would only cause more suffering to continue. I needed to learn from them to transcend them into something greater. From the book “Healing Relationships” by Lama Choedak Rinpoche, this is the prayer for change — my map along this journey, that helps me find my way.



Deep love,


Kimberley Horng
Kimberley Horng
My purpose is to share my knowledge and teach others in the cultivation of a virtuous, expanding and fulfilling life. A life we are all meant to live. If only we could all see the greatness that is available, not outside, but within our own selves.

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