Shut the gates to the external world and walk, step into the internal chambers of your mind. The mind. What is the mind? Take the time to explore the mind. Wander about its being. Search deep within it’s very walls and you will find only two things: the past and the future.

The mind is simply a storage house of your whole past. Each and every moment of your past is placed on the shelves of the mind. It simply carries; keeps; holds onto all the memories of your past.

If all the mind is, is a storage house of your whole past, then what you could do with the mind is explore it’s chambers. And like taking a book off a library shelf to read, you can take a memory of the past off the shelf of mind and look through it. Selecting the most desirable and pleasing of memories and skimming past the un-desirable and painful of memories. Put it back and go back again and again. Again and again into these memories.

But, the action of pulling the same memories off the shelf to be looked at again and again can get boresome. For nothing can be done about the past, it is already done. So another activity, something more challenging, is sought out. The mind thinks, “The past is already done, nothing can be done about it, but something can be done about the future!” You leave the most beautiful of memories and take down the ugly, un-wanted memories and tear the pages apart and re-write them. This is called daydreaming. All the future is, is your past re-arranged and better written.

This is the mind. The mind swings you back and forth between the past and future, like a pendulum.

And all the while you’re going back and forth doing this, you are missing. You are missing the present. All the ancient ones — the mystics, the gurus, the yogis, all knew the sacredness that lies in the present. The present. The only existence there is. The only truth. All that there is, you will go on missing if you don’t become more aware.

With awareness, you can choose to take hold of the weight of the pendulum into your own hands and choose to walk into and look at the past at will, take some teachings from it’s stories and return into the present to implement the wisdom of it’s existence, so not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

Meditation simply means a moment when you step out of the mind and into the present. Into here. Into now. The only existence, the only truth. All that is, is only here, right now, in this moment. No where else. The answers have been and always will be sitting right here in the centre of the palms of your very hands. All you have to do is open up and look. It is here for your taking.

As you go about your day, take a moment to step out of the mind and come into all that is. Don’t think about that flower. Look at this flower and absorb the vibrant colours in with the eyes and smell the sweet fragrant it let’s off. Don’t think about the food you are about to eat. Taste the succulent flavours and feel the texture of the food you are eating. Don’t think about the words I am about to say. Listen to the words I am saying. Because if you don’t, you miss. And tomorrow will never come, for today was tomorrow just yesterday. And yesterday was tomorrow the day before. All the past was part of the future at one point, and where were you?

Don’t let another day pass by, for tomorrow is here today

Deep Love,


Kimberley Horng
Kimberley Horng
My purpose is to share my knowledge and teach others in the cultivation of a virtuous, expanding and fulfilling life. A life we are all meant to live. If only we could all see the greatness that is available, not outside, but within our own selves.

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